If you are interested in receiving our weekly emails, please contact the church office: or 515.292.5005
Music Groups
We are blessed to have many musical groups and soloists provide music for our worship services. If you would like to volunteer your musical gifts during a service, please contact Pastor Dave.
Memorial Choir – Thursday, 7:00 PM
Memorial Brass – Tuesday, 8:15 PM
Contact Pastor Mark if you would like to receive Sunday School materials to do at home with your family.
Stay tuned for information about Vacation Bible School.
Sunday School – 9:40 AM (school year)
Confirmation – 5:00 PM on Wednesdays during the school year. Jai Millen is teaching 6th grade, Pastor Dave is teaching 7th grade, and Pastor Mark is teaching 8th grade.
Youth Group – 7-8 PM Wednesdays.
Family Ministry Facebook page
Women of Memorial
The “Women of Memorial” group is open to any of the women who come to Memorial Lutheran. They are simply a group of women looking for Christian fellowship.
Want to come to our meetings?
Most of the organizations and brainstorming happens at monthly meetings. We also enjoy Christian fellowship and laughter, devotion and prayer. It is a great opportunity to pause and relate to each other about Christian life as women. Join us if you are able!
Women’s Bible Break
Join us at 11:15 AM on Wednesdays for a midweek pause to study the Word of God and reflect on how God speaks to us. Connects with sisters in Christ! We meet downstairs in the Cardinal room.
LWML Mites
We support LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League), and the first Sunday of each month is designated as Mite Box Sunday. If you wish to contribute to the ongoing mission work of LWML we ask that you place your contributions in an envelope marked “Women of Memorial” and the money will be sent to the Zone treasurer.
Prayer Shawl
We know that God is an ever-present help in trouble. The prayer shawls stitched together by the hands of the women who participate in the prayer shawl ministry serve as the arms of God to embrace those who have felt the earth give way and the mountains fall. The shawls help those who need comfort to be still and know that I am God.
On the second and fourth Fridays of the month, women of varying levels of experience and skill meet to sew quilts which are given to international families in the cold months. We meet downstairs in Rooms 1 and 2. Do you have any extra fabric lying around? We could put it to good use!
Volunteer Opportunities
There are TONS of ways you could help out around Memorial. Whether you are looking to be involved a lot or a little, we can help you find something! Contact the church office at 515.292.5005.
Worship Volunteers
Altar Guild members prepare and clean up Holy Communion for Saturday and Sunday services.
Ushers facilitate movement during worship service. They gather offerings, collect attendance cards, and dismiss pews for Communion.
Greeters serve as the face of the hospitality as members and guests enter for worship.
Communion Assistants help the Pastors distribute Communion once a month.
Video and Sound Techs help with services.
International Ministry Volunteers
There are a wide variety of needs within our International Ministry. We are always looking for conversation partners for our international friends, people willing to teach an English class, be a substitute teacher, or lead a Bible study. We have many different resources for those interested, so you wouldn’t need to come up with a curriculum or figure out lessons alone. If those sound too intimidating, we have other needs as well! Would you be willing to drive people who need a ride to worship? What about volunteering to help with the nursery? Or even sitting with an international to help them understand what happens during our worship service?